
Saturday, July 27, 2024
  • 24/7 Tech Support
    24/7 Tech Support Working to quickly resolve any hosting or server related problem you might experience. 24/7 ticketing system.
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  • Website Design
    Website Design Professional, high quality website design at an affordable price, giving you a winning edge over your competitors.
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  • Domain Registration
    Domain Registration Having the right domain name is critical to giving a positive first impression about your business or the services you provide
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  • Web Hosting
    Web Hosting Whether you are starting a website for a hobby, or an ecommerce website for online business, our hosting plans are designed for you.
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24/7 support - tHere when you need assistance

Hosting support available via email / helpdesk 24x7. With fast response times from knowledgeable, friendly support staff. Average response time to support tickets usually under an hour.  The preferred method of support is by logging a support request via your client area on our website.

Free support provided on server and connectivity related issues as well as setting up of mailboxes. All other support e.g. coding issues, any support via text message, script fixing will be charged at the current hourly support rate.  Please note that ADSL line problems must be reported to Telkom and is dependant on their availability to rectify the problem

support - What is included for free

  • Setting up email accounts.
  • Control panel settings and questions.
  • Any server related issues reported.
  • Account queries.


Support - what is not included for free

  • Website script changes or issues caused by scripts
    used on your hosting account.
  • Text message support - please phone the support
    desk or log a ticket via the client area.
  • Website builder or other scripts included in the
    control panel - You have to contact the owner of
    the script for support on their products
  • Call outs to surrounding areas to set up ADSL or
  • Installation of custom components used.

